I've been working on this quilt since last fall. Between bouts of unmotivation and moving, it's taken awhile to get done. The pattern is one that an online friend wrote up for a group of us a year or so ago, and it's my first use of a jelly roll in a quilt. (I know- I take awhile to catch on sometimes!)
It's pretty busy.... and the quilting didn't turn out as nicely as I'd have liked, BUT... it's done, and at this point, that was my main concern. This one started out with bad quilting - bad thread choice that took me hours to pick out... after that, I didn't care how perfect it turned out, just that it got DONE!
Turns out that the 2nd quilting attempt went tons better, and even though it's not the best I've done on the midarm, it'll still provide a nice pop of color on our dull, dark greyish bedroom wall. Yeah, we could change the color, but the hubby is a big fan of a dark bedroom when he's on night shift and sleeping all day, so I'm working around it!
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